Ukraine, Kharkov, st. Bolshaya Panasovskaya, 101
+38 (096) 458-68-87

Automobile scales


Automobile scales ЕТМ ВАТ (30.1; 40.2; 60.3; 80.3; 80.4) с металлической платформой


The scales are made one-, two-, three-, four-platform with the largest weighing limit of 30 to 80 tons. The length of the platform is from 6 to 24 m.

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Automobile scales ЕТМ ВАТ (30.1; 40.2; 60.3; 80.3; 80.4) с бетонной платформой

truck scales with concrete platform


The scales are made one-, two-, three-, four-platform with the largest weighing limit of 30 to 80 tons. The length of the platform is from 6 to 24 m.

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Automobile scales ЕТМ BAT (30.1; 40.2; 60.3; 80.3; 80.4)

Automobile scales designed to measure the mass of cargo transported by road, by measuring the mass of loaded and empty vehicles. They can also be used to control compliance with the legal requirements of the axle and wheel load of vehicles by weighing in dynamics or in statics. Truck scales can be used in various industries where weighing of vehicles loaded with raw materials is required: metallurgy, mining, fuel and energy complex, construction, etc. On the basis of automobile scales, systems for automated accounting and control of material flows are designed and implemented.

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Automobile scales underlay ETM BAT-10P

Recently, due to the specifics of their activities, some enterprises of the state and private sector have needed light, mobile and compact scales capable of carrying out estimated weighing in the field. Automobile portable scales ETM VAT-10P are designed for axial weighing in a static state of trucks, trailers, as well as containers placed on a flat horizontal surface with a hard coating. The patented design of the platforms has a special shape that ensures the fixation of the wheels of the car. Weighing a two-axle vehicle or trailer is carried out by alternately driving the axles onto 2 platforms.

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Automobile foundation scales of static weighingETM VAT

ETM BAT - truck scales are designed for weighing cars in a static state. Scales are made one-, two- and three-platform with the maximum weighing limit of 30 and 60 tons. The readout resolution at a load of up to 30 tons is 10 kg, over 30 tons is 20 kg. Platform length, respectively, 6.6; 13.2 and 18 m.

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